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New York can surprise you in ways that you can’t imagine. Its the Mount Everest of cities.It’s tall buildings frequently disappear in the morning mists from the Hudson River.

When a winter snow storm blows in, this city with a population of eight and a half million people can have a stillness like an empty forrest. This is why it why locals say “it works as a village if you just don’t look up”.
New York seems to collect all the small ambitions and dreams of the people that inhabit its streets and tie them together in a way that seems to make something larger and more worthwhile. This city is bigger than just its streets.New York has everything if you go looking for it. Every street and every corner is busy with life, Cafes, resteraunts and shops. There are happenings everywhere. These happenings are the thing that make the city tick and propel the city forward.It has more than any single person could take in. This I think is why they call it New York, New York.
So where do you start in a city this large?
The centre of it all –  Times Square.
Its at the centre of a confluence of intersecting roads.Every visitor gravitates to Time Square, its like being in the centre of a giant spiders web.
Time square billboards light up the night as if its day. At night this place it can clearly be seen from space station at night.
The advertising on the plasma screens changes at such a pace its hard to keep up, you feel like you have fallen down one of Alice in Wonderlands rabbit holes. Everything is big and you now are small. As super human giants peer from another world behind the surrounding plasma screens. Beers the size of rockets and burgers the size of balloons challenge the imagination.
Everywhere you look something new and constantly changing. If you are feeling bogged down and want to a place to loose yourself and need an Adventure not a Safari, escape to a city that has it all.